Welcome home, beloved.
Sunday Worship 10 a.m. (Sanctuary) and Third Sundays 8:30 a.m. (Spoken, Chapel)
All Are Welcome for Weekly Worship
Sundays, 10 a.m. (Sanctuary & Online)
and Third Sundays at 8:30 a.m. (Spoken Service in Chapel)
Each Sunday we worship in person and online. We are always glad when you worship with us. Nursery care is available during worship, and we offer activity bags to keep little hearts and hands engaged.
In our worship this Sunday, we will remember the light that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. brought into the world, with the Rev. Pamela Haynes preaching and special hymns from the LEVAS hymnal. We also will introduce Star Words, distributing star-shaped cards, each with a word on one side. As we consider together what it means to Look for the Light in this Season of Epiphany, reflecting on these words can serve as a simple spiritual practice, inviting you to set your intention for the new year.
Share the Light of Christ in Service and with Chalking the Doors
Jan. 19, Right after 10 a.m. Worship (Parish Hall)
Make a Difference Day is an extension of the celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. It is a time for giving back to your community. Join us in the Parish Hall after our 10 a.m. service for an all-parish Make a Difference Day service project, as together we fill and decorate “Comfort Bags” to be distributed later to members of Greensboro’s houseless community.
We will also have chalk available and instructions for those wishing to bless their homes in 2025 with the ancient tradition of Chalking the Doors. This practice consists of marking a blessing in chalk to invite God’s blessing on a home, church, or other entryway, and on all who enter its doors during the year. The markings are usually made above the front door in this pattern: 20 + C + M + B + 25. The numbers reflect the new calendar year. The letters have two meanings—as the initials of the traditional names of the three magi (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar), and as the initials of the Latin phrase Christus Mansionem Benedicat, or “Christ bless this dwelling.” The + signs are for the Cross of Christ. Before, during, or after the chalking of the door, a prayer might be offered. These prayers are included in the Epiphany at Home Handout, available at church this Sunday.
Join Your Parish Family in Remembering Our Saints in Light
Funeral for Marilyn Simpson—Thursday, January 23 at 11:00 a.m. (Chapel)
Marilyn Simpson, a beloved member of St. Andrew’s, died Thursday, December 19, 2024. Our love and condolences go out to Marilyn’s family. A funeral is planned for Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. in St. Andrew’s Chapel.
Supporting St. Andrew’s
Together in Our Giving
Our Pledge Campaign for 2025
Visit Our Stewardship Page
Submit a Pledge Online
May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5–6
Thank you for your participation in our Together Giving Campaign for 2025. Everything we do is through your generosity. If you haven’t yet, please send in your pledge card or submit your pledge online. To request a pledge card, please email Susan Frye. Every pledge matters.
May we give generously and joyfully together so that St. Andrew’s can continue to grow in Christ’s love and make that love visible in this church, this community, and this world.
Weekly eNews & Calendars
Feed & Be Fed
Saturdays, 8 AM – 12 noon, on the corner of W. Market and Kensington Streets
Worldwide, outdoor markets have flourished during the pandemic. That has certainly been the case here in Greensboro. Since moving to our parking lot, the Corner Market has welcomed new vendors and customers. The relocation could not have gone better, and the market is providing a connection point that’s open to everyone in our community, a connection that is so vital for many of us during this time—and all the time. Follow the Market’s Facebook page, or subscribe to the newsletter on their website for the weekly list of vendors.
This food pantry, started at St. Andrew’s, now is housed at Definition Church in Greensboro (1806 Merritt Dr., in the building behind the main building) and St. Stephen AME Zion Church in High Point (1012 Leonard Ave.). The pantry needs volunteers for a variety of tasks including deliveries and making phone calls (which can be done from home). If you can help, please contact the director, Susan Cox, at scox@onestepfurther.com.
Church Information
2105 West Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27403
Our chapel is open weekly for prayer and meditation on Tuesdays from 11 AM–2 PM.
Our church office is open Tuesday–Thursday from 10 AM–2 PM and by appointment. You may reach the office by phone or email Monday–Thursday.