Welcome to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church!

Sunday Worship—10:00 a.m.

Join our church family!

Come worship with us!

This is God's table, and all are welcome here.

Welcome home, beloved.




What Does Every Living Thing Need?

Shelter, Water, Air, Food—and Compassion Camp at St. Andrew’s!

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church offers a wonderful annual Compassion Camp for ages 3–10, and this year’s camp, “What Every Living Thing Needs,” includes daily gardening activities, cooking and baking, art, music, and even a water day complete with an inflatable water slide!

Camp runs August 5–9 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. daily, and the cost is $50 for the week. (Scholarships are available!) 

It’s Coming Right Up, So Sign Right Up!

CAMPERS Click here or above to register.
VOLUNTEERS Click here to sign up. We need storytellers, craft supervisors, singers, dancers, shepherds, and general lovers of kids aged 3–10.
QUESTIONS? Click here to contact Martha Chaires, our Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries. 

Come join us!


Love Grows Here—Stewardship Campaign 

“May the Lord make you grow and abound in love for one another and for all.” 
1 Thessalonians 3:12

Join us in Stewardship for 2024. In our Love Grows Here giving campaign, we are invited to share our time, talent, and treasure as a response of thanksgiving to our generous God. Thank you for giving joyfully and generously so that St. Andrew’s can continue to grow in Christ’s love and make that love visible in this church, in this community, and in this world.

Our Pledge Commitment form is online, or you may request a pledge packet by emailing the office at parish@standrewsgso.org.

Feed and Be Fed—Corner Market and One Step Further Food Pantry


The Corner Farmers Market

Saturdays, 8 AM – 12 noon, on the corner of W. Market and Kensington Streets

Worldwide, outdoor markets have flourished during the pandemic. That has certainly been the case here in Greensboro. Since moving to our parking lot, the Corner Market has welcomed new vendors and customers. The relocation could not have gone better, and the market is providing a connection point that’s open to everyone in our community, a connection that is so vital for many of us during this time—and all the time. Follow the Market’s Facebook page, or subscribe to the newsletter on their website for the weekly list of vendors.


One Step Further Food Pantry

This food pantry, started at St. Andrew’s, now is housed at Definition Church in Greensboro (1806 Merritt Dr., in the building behind the main building) and St. Stephen AME Zion Church in High Point (1012 Leonard Ave.). The pantry needs volunteers for a variety of tasks including deliveries and making phone calls (which can be done from home). If you can help, please contact the director, Susan Cox, at scox@onestepfurther.com.