Welcome to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church!

Sunday Worship—10:00 a.m.

Join our church family!

Come worship with us!

This is God's table, and all are welcome here.


Welcome home, beloved.

Sunday Worship 10 a.m. (Sanctuary) and Third Sundays 8:30 a.m. (Spoken, Chapel)


Church Information

2105 West Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27403

Our chapel is open weekly for prayer and meditation on Tuesdays from 11 AM–2 PM.

Our church office is open Tuesday–Thursday from 10 AM–2 PM and by appointment. You may reach the office by phone or email Monday–Thursday.

News & Announcements


Adult Formation Book Study on A Voice in the Wilderness
Sundays at 11:15 a.m., September 15, 22, 29 (Cloister)

In 2022, The Next Big Idea Club listed A Voice in the Wilderness: A Pioneering Biologist Explains How Evolution Can Help Us Solve Our Biggest Problems (Basic Books) by Joseph L. Graves, Jr., as one of its 26 best science books of the year (https://bit.ly/Top26ScienceBooks2022). In May 2023, Christianity Today published a scathing review of the book written by the anti-science Discovery Institute. And a month later, the scholarly journal Black Theology hailed it for its “prophetic voice.” A Voice in the Wilderness is an exploration of the scientific career of Dr. Joseph L. Graves, Jr., who is a St. Andrew’s parishioner. This month, we will offer a three-week formation study to discuss the main themes of the book: racism within science and how Joe Graves became the first African American evolutionary biologist; how to have a productive dialog between faith and science; and what evolutionary science can tell us about how to solve some of our biggest social problems. We hope you will join us Sundays, September 15, 22, and 29, right after worship. Our study will focus on Chapters 1, 9, 10, and 14. The book is available for order through local book sellers and online.


Living Compass Class for Parents
Sundays through Oct. 27, 11:15 a.m. (Library)

Grounded in Scripture, the tradition of the Church, and the sharing our own stories, this course is designed to support participants as they seek to live the abundant life God intends for them. We often say that you have to put on your own life vest before you can help another, but it is easy to lose sight of our own well-being when we are actively parenting. The Living Compass is a model that invites us to attend to our mind, heart, strength, and soul. In a small group setting, we’ll create a space of rest, contemplation, deep conversation, and compassion, while learning to better care for ourselves as we care for our kids. The class runs concurrently with our Confirmation for Youth course, and childcare will be available. We will also be using this Living Compass model for our senior high EYC in the spring. Facilitated by Anna Taylor and Rev. Ginny Inman.



St. Andrew’s is Hiring for a Part-Time Facilities Manager

Have you always dreamed of more house to take care of? Do you binge watch re-runs of “This Old Church?” Are you unflustered by minor flushing adjustments? If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, St. Andrew’s would love to hear from you—by email, please! Send your resume and two references to parish@standrewsgso.org. The Part-Time Facilities Manager at St. Andrew’s will maintain and oversee the property, ensuring the church campus is clean, safe, and functional. This includes collaborating with clergy, staff, vestry, congregational leaders, and outside contractors. This is a part-time managerial and task-oriented role reporting to the Parish Administrator, with varying hours week to week, based on need. Please see the job description at https://bit.ly/StAHiringPTFM for details, and feel free to share with potential candidates.


Feed and Be Fed—Corner Market and One Step Further Food Pantry


The Corner Farmers Market

Saturdays, 8 AM – 12 noon, on the corner of W. Market and Kensington Streets

Worldwide, outdoor markets have flourished during the pandemic. That has certainly been the case here in Greensboro. Since moving to our parking lot, the Corner Market has welcomed new vendors and customers. The relocation could not have gone better, and the market is providing a connection point that’s open to everyone in our community, a connection that is so vital for many of us during this time—and all the time. Follow the Market’s Facebook page, or subscribe to the newsletter on their website for the weekly list of vendors.


One Step Further Food Pantry

This food pantry, started at St. Andrew’s, now is housed at Definition Church in Greensboro (1806 Merritt Dr., in the building behind the main building) and St. Stephen AME Zion Church in High Point (1012 Leonard Ave.). The pantry needs volunteers for a variety of tasks including deliveries and making phone calls (which can be done from home). If you can help, please contact the director, Susan Cox, at scox@onestepfurther.com.