Mission and Outreach
For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
I was a stranger and you welcomed me,
I was naked and you clothed me,
I was sick and you visited me,
I was in prison and you came to me.
(Matthew 25: 35–36)
At St. Andrew’s, we embrace these words from the Gospel of Matthew as we seek to serve our neighbors, the marginalized, and those in need. Our Mission and Outreach Team works to deepen our congregation’s relationship with our community partners. Hover over the images below to find out more about our ministries!

Local / Regional Partners for Mission
Diocesan / National / International Missions
FaithAction International
Providing support for immigrants and refugees and creating a more welcoming city where strangers become better neighbors, joining in a common cause for the welfare of all. http://faithaction.org/
The Servant Center
Empowering the homeless and disabled, particularly veterans, to become independent, contributing community members through housing, healthcare, and restorative services. We help cook breakfast once a month, prepare apartments for new residents and picnics for residents and staff, and donate clothing and personal items. theservantcenter.org
Parents as Teachers
First housed in the offices of St. Andrew’s, the local Faith Community Network’s Parents as Teachers program provides a free family education and support program designed to empower parents of young children to be the best parents they can be. patgc.org
St. Nicholas / Angel Tree
Each December, our church’s gift tree includes Christmas tags with the names of individual children and teenagers who are supported through the Children’s Home Society while living in foster care. Parishioners are encouraged to choose a name tag and purchase a personalized gift or gift card.
Interactive Resource Center
A refuge for anyone experiencing homelessness in Greensboro, NC. Our EYC members collect donations of personal care items for IRC guests, and we look for ways to assist with the IRC’s creative writing and visual arts programs. gsodaycenter.org/
Greensboro Urban Ministry / Weaver House Breakfast Program
Early each Tuesday morning, 5–8 volunteers from St. Andrew’s join teams from other local Episcopal congregations to prepare and serve a hot breakfast at the Greensboro Urban Ministry’s Weaver House, a year-round facility that provides shelter for homeless adults. greensborourbanministry.org
One Step Further Food Pantry
An ongoing outreach activity is our weekly collection of food for One Step Further’s grocery assistance program. Parishioners are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items each Sunday and place them in the collection boxes in the back of the church.
Glory Ridge Mission Trip
Each summer, St. Andrew’s sponsors the EYC annual mission week at the Glory Ridge Camp in Madison County, NC. Our youth, St. Andrew’s advisers, Glory Ridge staff, the residents of the county, and the Community Housing Coalition work together on housing projects around the county to serve those in need.
Penick Village
Each year, we provide a special donation to the Penick Village’s Benevolent Assistance Fund, which is used for those retirees who have outlived their resources. Penick Village, a continuing care retirement community located in Southern Pines, NC, is a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. penickvillage.org
Support of Missionaries
Special donations received on Epiphany Sunday in early January are forwarded to the Diocese of North Carolina to support, on a rotating basis, one of the missionaries or missionary couples sponsored by the Diocese. Our ECW group also makes contributions to the Diocesan Missionaries Christmas Fund.
Additional Financial Support
The Mission and Outreach Committee recommends each year that funds from the Church’s regular operating budget, as they are available, go to a variety of local nonprofit organizations. Past recipients include:
The Barnabas Network
Greensboro Housing Coalition
Puerta Abierta/La Misa
Second Harvest Food Bank
Stop Hunger Now
United Thank Offering
The UTO is a program of the Episcopal Church that addresses compelling human needs through grants to projects that alleviate poverty, both domestically and internationally. UTO supports projects that address women and children in poverty that make a significant impact, demonstrate new and innovative work, and are part of a planned diocesan / provincial mission strategy. episcopalchurch.org/uto
Episcopal Relief and Development
St. Andrew’s parishioners are encouraged to provide special donations to the official international relief and development agency of the Episcopal Church of the United States, during the months of February and September. Additional contributions are encouraged any time there is a major disaster in this country or any where in the world. er-d.org
ECW Project Support
Our Episcopal Church Women (ECW) chapters regularly provide financial assistance to a number of organizations within the local community and the state promoted by the North Carolina diocesan ECW:
Lex Mathews Scholarship Program
Miles of Pennies
Migrant Workers Day Care Center
Mary’s House