Within our own lives we experience the miracle of births, the blessing of relationships, and the death of our loved ones. At St. Andrew’s we gather as a community to pray and support families in each of these unique life moments. As a church family, we commit to assisting our members grow in faith during all of these moments and that God is present with us.

Baptism means that you are a full member of the church. If, in any Christian denomination, you were baptized with water and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, you were marked as Christ’s own forever. While you can be baptized as an infant, youth, or adult, we promise as a congregation to help you seek God in your life and mature in your faith.
Jesus’ first miracle occurs at a wedding feast in Cana. Christian marriage centers on mutual joy and lifelong commitment. This is a time for great celebration within a couple’s life. Couples preparing for marriage meet with clergy for premarital preparation.

In the Episcopal tradition, we believe in the resurrection and the promise of life everlasting. At death, life is changed, not ended. As we walk this journey of life together as a faith community we experience the death of loved ones. Some deaths are unexpected, while others occur after a full, long life. Although Christians are people of joy and hope, grief is not in any way unchristian. Jesus himself wept when his friend, Lazarus, died. The support of a Christian community can make all the difference when you are going through times of loss. The family and clergy come together to plan a funeral service, during which the deceased is commended to God’s eternal care.