Become a Member
We warmly welcome you to the vibrant and dynamic community of faith that is St. Andrew’s. We hope that you will share in our great tradition of joyful worship, sacred hospitality, and committed service to the Greensboro community. All are welcome in this community of discipleship, diversity, and formation, where young and old, newcomers and long-time parishioners are on the journey of faith together.
Anyone who has received the sacrament of Holy Baptism is a member of the universal Church. Our participation in the wider body of Christ is our first commitment, and we welcome everyone to be regular participants in the worship, fellowship, and life of St. Andrew’s.
If you wish to become a formal member of St. Andrew’s, the Canons (rules) of the Episcopal Church provide several ways:
1. You may be baptized here.
2. If you were baptized or you hold your membership at another Episcopal Church, you can simply contact our church office and ask to transfer your “letter of membership” to St. Andrew’s. We will take it from there and contact your church of origin to transfer your membership.
3. If you were baptized in another Christian Tradition (Methodist, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, etc.), then simply let us know when and where you were baptized (if you know) and that you desire to become a member. We will follow up with your former church, if possible. Contact the parish office to begin the process.
If you come from another Christian tradition, you may also choose to be received or confirmed by a bishop. Our bishop visits annually, though the date changes from year to year. We will share details on the next bishop’s visit and confirmation class when they become available. If you are interested in knowing more about membership at St. Andrew’s, please don’t hesitate to contact any of the clergy. We love to field questions about the Episcopal Church!
We hope that membership in the Episcopal Church will lead you to a deeper experience of God, a more vivid life of faith, and the joy of Christian fellowship.