Adult Formation Begins September 15 with a Book Study on A Voice in the Wilderness
Sundays at 11:15 a.m., September 15, 22, 29 (Cloister)
In 2022, The Next Big Idea Club listed A Voice in the Wilderness: A Pioneering Biologist Explains How Evolution Can Help Us Solve Our Biggest Problems (Basic Books) by Joseph L. Graves, Jr., as one of its 26 best science books of the year ( In May 2023, Christianity Today published a scathing review of the book written by the anti-science Discovery Institute. And a month later, the scholarly journal Black Theology hailed it for its “prophetic voice.” A Voice in the Wilderness is an exploration of the scientific career of Dr. Joseph L. Graves, Jr., who is a St. Andrew’s parishioner. This month, we will offer a three-week formation study to discuss the main themes of the book: racism within science and how Joe Graves became the first African American evolutionary biologist; how to have a productive dialog between faith and science; and what evolutionary science can tell us about how to solve some of our biggest social problems. We hope you will start reading now and join us Sundays, September 15, 22, and 29, right after worship. Our study will focus on Chapters 1, 9, 10, and 14. The book is available for order through local book sellers and online.