Serve in Worship
Hover your mouse over the images below to see some of the ways you can serve in worship at St. Andrew’s. Contact the Parish Office at 336-275-1651, or email Debbie Dowd, for more information.
Acolytes are an important part of our Sunday liturgy, assisting the Celebrant and other priests at the altar while setting a tone of reverence for the gathered community. Most of our acolytes are teenagers (5th grade and older).
Lay Readers
Lay Readers read the designated passages from the Bible for each service, lead the recitation of the psalm, and lead the Prayers of the People. Readers receive their passages in advance to practice if they like.
Greeters offer visitors and newcomers a first glimpse of St. Andrew’s hospitality. Each team volunteers one Sunday a month to welcome people at the door, invite newcomers to join us for fellowship after the service, and help with special needs.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by the Bishop to assist the clergy in serving the consecrated bread or wine at the altar. They can be trained by the clergy or in training sessions offered by the Diocese.
Ushers assist worshippers by answering questions and giving directions. They represent the congregation by bringing the offering and the bread and wine to the altar, and they offer support to those who come forward to receive communion.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is made up of dedicated people who prepare the Lord’s table for Sunday services, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and more. There are 4 teams that serve around 4 times a year, with 2 teams teaming up for Christmas and Easter.
Livestream Techs
Livestream Techs are volunteers who receive training and instruction in running the audio and video equipment that broadcasts our services online. If you like to know what all the buttons do, this is for you!
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are licensed by the Bishop to take consecrated bread and wine to homebound or hospitalized parishioners who cannot attend services. This is a lovely way to serve others!