

Worship is the central act in a life of faith. At St. Andrew’s we gather each week to celebrate God’s life in us, to offer thanksgiving for God’s many gifts, and to encounter the divine through sacrament and song. In worshipping together, we unite ourselves with others to share in God’s joyful presence, to hear and reflect upon God’s word, and to break the bread of Holy Communion.

Our primary worship gathering occurs Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. We meet in person for worship and also offer an online worship option, livestreaming on our YouTube channel. Nursery care is available for the in-person service. See here for a map of the church grounds.

Our 10:00 AM service is a joyous liturgy that includes music led by our Minister of Music and our choir. Liturgy is the “work of the people,” so we encourage everyone to get involved—as singers, bell-ringers, instrumentalists, acolytes, readers, ushers, Altar Guild members, greeters, livestream technicians, or the many other behind-the-scenes folks who make it all happen.