Church News@Home

Daily Doxology 

We are encouraging every member and friend of St. Andrew’s to set an alarm on your phone or at home for 6:00 pm each evening to sing or say the Doxology – Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow – as a way of being in solidarity with one another as a community of faith and with those throughout our city, our nation and our world.  This will be an expression of our communion with one another.

Online Communication

We will provide regular updates, as well as resources for spiritual growth and worship on our website and social media outlets.  If you are not already a member of our Facebook group, please consider joining it.  We will also be calling our parishioners who do not have access to these forms of communication. We’ve also created a private Facebook group, “St. Andrew’s Congregation Conversations” just for our members and friends.

  • St. Andrew’s Website
  • Facebook
  • ZOOM – Our Wednesday worship and several groups will meet virtually via Zoom. Instructions for Zoom and links are below.

Zoom is an app you can download to a smart phone, tablet or desktop computer. You can get it from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. For the laptop version go to To join Zoom meetings or worship, download the app and click the appropriate links that follow.

To use a regular phone to join a Zoom meeting, dial 929-205-6099 and at the prompt put in the meeting ID number followed with # symbol. The meeting number is the nine digits in the links that follow.

Faith Formation@Home

Daily Prayer and Bible Study

Spiritual Practices and Studies

  • – resources for the journey toward wellness and wholeness
  • Habits of Grace – Our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, will offer a meditation each Monday.

Especially for Families, Children, and Youth

Weekly e-News